Embrace the Blessing

ETB 41: Embrace the Uncertainty with Beverly Parrish

Sandy Deppisch

ETB 41- In this episode I talk with Beverly Parrish about her daughter Hannah, age 28, who has Down syndrome.   Beverly and her husband Chris learned that Hannah had Down syndrome in utero.   Feeling a bit overwhelmed at their lack of knowledge about Trisomy 21 they began to research, trusting that God had his perfect plan in place.

Beverly is a mother of 7 with 9 grandchildren and has been married for 40 years.  She homeschooled the kids for 30 years and currently works with dyslexic children and adults as a facilitator in the Davis Dyslexia program.  Beverly also tutors struggling readers.  In her free time, she published a book, Beyond the Diploma - Homeschooling with the End in Mind.  See link below.

As the only girl, sandwiched between 6 brothers, Hannah is a cheerful, engaging young lady who brings joy and seems unaffected by circumstances that impact many of us.   

Beverly believes in embracing the uncertainty.  Instead of having your expectations dashed or unmet all the time,  she recommends just embracing the idea that you don't know.  It's not a race and it's not a competition.  Embrace the uncertainty and don't compare your situation.

Davis Dyslexia Program

Beyond the Diploma - Homeschooling with the End in Mind by Beverly Parrish

The Gift of Dyslexia

Welcome to Holland

Connect with Beverly

Connect with Sandy
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sandydeppisch
Embrace the Blessing Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/ETB4ME
Website: http://www.embracetheblessing.com/