Embrace the Blessing
Welcome to the Embrace the Blessing podcast—a source of encouragement and inspiration for parents of children with special needs. Join teacher and seasoned mother of five, Sandy Deppisch, whose youngest is a young adult with Down syndrome, Autism and ADHD as she delves into the joys, challenges, and triumphs of this journey. Each week Sandy chats with moms and dads who truly understand. If you need empowerment and encouragement to keep going, this show is for you. Let's walk the road less traveled together!
Embrace the Blessing
ETB 39: Plenty of Possibilities for Finding Respite Care with Mary Ann Hughes
ETB 39 - In this episode I talk with Mary Ann Hughes, mother of 2 young adults with Autism about finding quality care for loved ones with special needs. As a single mother managing her company, Special Family Transitions, Mary Ann has had to stretch her comfort zone most recently when she sent both of her boys for the very first time to a week long summer camp.
Mary Ann believes as special needs moms and parents we don't spend enough time taking care of ourselves. She notes there is so much stress involved with having special. needs children it can take a toll on the family and sometimes the marriage. Mary Ann encourages you to take time for yourself so you can be the best parent you can be for your kids.
To help you find quality caregivers you can trust, Mary Ann shares an abundance of possibilities for securing respite care, some of which you may not have ever considered.
Connect with Mary Ann:
Email address: Maryann@specialfamilytransitions.com
Website: https://www.specialfamilytransitions.com/
Special Family Transitions YouTube channel (please subscribe )
Special Family Transitions Facebook Page:
Private Facebook group:
Divorce Journey Support for Moms of Children with Autism & Special Needs:
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Respite Resources:
Take Time Texas
Texas State Information on Respite Providers or Programs
Connect with Sandy
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sandydeppisch
Embrace the Blessing Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/ETB4ME
Website: http://www.embracetheblessing.com/