Embrace the Blessing

ETB 38: From a Grim Prognosis to a Much Brighter Future; Never Give Up Hope with Sandy Deppisch

Sandy Deppisch

ETB 38: In this episode I share a few stories about Josiah from the past few years when he was walking through a very long, very difficult season.  With so many challenges including aggression, destruction and self-injurious behaviors it was easy at times to lose sight of hope.

As a mom desperately trying to figure out how to best help my child,  it was heartbreaking to watch him struggle so much.  There is nothing like watching someone you love suffer and feel powerless to alleviate it.  Even after all the interventions, it was discouraging to see little to no improvement.

But I'm here to tell you, things drastically improved.  Despite the daunting forecast from a psychiatrist who told us Josiah would spend the rest of his life in a long-term psychiatric facility because he was too combative and self-injurious to live at home,  Josiah has become a different person.  He has made remarkable progress and continues to amaze me with his growth and abilities.

Don't give up on your kids!  If you are in a difficult season and can't imagine how things could ever get better, hang in there!  Pray without ceasing, reach out to others, seek support from those who has been where you are,  get respite if you need it but don't ever give up hope!

Respite Care:

Support Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs:

GHFEDS - Galveston Houston Families Exploring Down Syndrome

Connect with Sandy
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sandydeppisch
Embrace the Blessing Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/ETB4ME
Website: http://www.embracetheblessing.com/