Embrace the Blessing
Welcome to the Embrace the Blessing podcast—a source of encouragement and inspiration for parents of children with special needs. Join teacher and seasoned mother of five, Sandy Deppisch, whose youngest is a young adult with Down syndrome, Autism and ADHD as she delves into the joys, challenges, and triumphs of this journey. Each week Sandy chats with moms and dads who truly understand. If you need empowerment and encouragement to keep going, this show is for you. Let's walk the road less traveled together!
Embrace the Blessing
ETB 34: Living in the Present & Breaking Things Down into Manageable Steps with Beth Haas
ETB 34: In this episode I talk with Beth Haas, teacher and mother of 3 beautiful daughters about her oldest daughter, Annalee who has Down syndrome. During the 18th week of Beth's first pregnancy, she and her husband John were told their unborn baby had hypoplastic left heart syndrome and was probably not going to be compatible with life.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a birth defect that affects normal blood flow through the heart. As the baby develops during pregnancy, the left side of the heart does not form correctly. Without surgery, hypoplastic left heart syndrome is deadly, usually within the first few days or weeks of life. With treatment, many babies survive, although most will have complications later in life
When they learned at birth that Annalee’s diagnosis was Down syndrome, not hypoplastic left heart syndrome, it was a miracle.
Annalee was in the NICU for a while and had open heart surgery at 23 months. She also was unable to have thin liquids without aspirating them into her lungs, so initially she had an NG tube. All of her liquids needed to be thickened for years, but with therapy and training and the right kinds of straws, Annalee eventually learned not to aspirate.
Now at age 17, Annalee is included in general education classes, participates in student council and was also invited to be a part of the Groundbreaker's Leadership team at her high school.
She takes classes at the Kennedy Dance Studio, has choreographed her own dances, going all the way to the national level in the PTA Reflections Annual Art Contest under the category of Dance Choreography and brought home a bronze medal this year. She has her own Youtube channel where you can see her perform some of her dances.
Annalee will be in the TET (Teacher Education Training) Class at high school this year, teaching classes in the same elementary school where her mom teaches. TET provides high school students with teaching experiences to determine whether or not they would like to pursue a career in public education. The goal is for Annalee to get a certification to become a teacher’s assistant.
Teaching Your Child with Special Needs To Ride A Bicycle in 4 Easy Steps
Kennedy Dance Theatre:
PTA Reflections
Connect with Annalee
Connect with Sandy
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sandydeppisch
Embrace the Blessing Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/ETB4ME
Website: http://www.embracetheblessing.com/